Post by Kaemi on Jul 12, 2010 23:13:56 GMT -5
Name: Kaemi
Are you 17+?: nopee
Contact Information:
AIM: brighttlightt
Past RP Experience: see L'mar
Name: Toven
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Occupation: Wherhandler, Wherling Master? Could be fun. xD
Description: Toven stands at 6'0”, his body lightly muscled, but mainly slender and trim. His has wide, callused hands and flat palms. His skin tone is a lighter tan, from inconsistent sun exposure: some days spending hours outside, whether laboring or otherwise; other days, sleeping Rukbat down in the sky until he can leave his weyr with Tovsk. Physically, in no way does he make an imposing figure. However, he still tends to draw attention upon entering a room.
It probably has something to do with his interesting mixture of brown and blonde hair, mixing in his careless curls. Most likely, it involves his boxy-face, with his jagged jawline and awkwardly-long nose. Maybe concerning his tall forehead. And it has everything to do with all of this coming together to make Toven Toven... because maybe, separately, those features would make a face unattractive. On him, however, it makes him anything but.
While he's not gorgeous by many people's standards, Toven is far from ugly. Added to the myriad of features, mentioned previously, that make up his face, the wherhandler has blue-grey eyes that range to a light green in the center, depending on his clothes. With that, he's suitably handsome, and has been known to make some girls swoon. He has yet to wrinkle, and probably won't for a few turns, so Toven's fairly pleased with his looks.
Toven generally matches his clothing with his average attitude: light to dark earthy colors, particularly chosen for comfort level. Few people have seen in anything fancier than your standard tunic, plain trousers, and wherhide boots, and few ever will. No matter what the occasion, whether it be a Gather or a Joining (not that he's been invited to many Joinings...) he rarely delves into his more proper wear.
Personality: Interesting, spontaneous, sporadic. All good terms... but not to describe Toven. He is, in fact, quite the opposite. A very stable person, he tends to be more firm and decisive more often than sporadic. He enjoys knowing where he's at, and where he's going- therefore not much of a spontaneous personality. And, while not dull, Tov tends to be upfront about things and not hold much back that isn't extremely personal, which keeps him from being all too interesting.
Many people see it as a personality fault that Toven speaks his mind. Some see him as rude and uncouth, but truly, he doesn't often have enough respect for the general population to both to leash his tongue. Instead, he'll tell you what's what, and probably expect a 'thank you' afterwords. Even after you have gained his respect, he'll continue to be brutally honest with you... he'll just attempt to be a bit more polite in doing it. There are no exceptions to this rule, to the point that if he think a Weyrleader is being absurd, he'll tell them as much.
What? I never said he was bright.
To those he respects or even, imagine that, likes, Toven can generally be quite kind. Not when it comes to speech, but he'll make considerable effort to be pleasant. It's a rare day, indeed, when he lies to spare someone's feelings, but they do come around, particularly when one of his friends is upset. That's another thing- friends. He doesn't have many. The whole 'tell the truth and nothing but the truth no matter your feelings' tends to scare away potential friendlies.
Toven's not stupid. He's not the sharpest tool, but he's not stupid. He lacks common sense in certain situations (involving the whole shutting his mouth thing) but he has more than a modicum of intelligence. Quick thinking in difficult situations, and good at switching his mindset to different ways of thinking, he's actually a half-decent teacher if everyone else will shut their mouths.
History: T'ren was a bluerider, weyrmated to greenrider Sienva at Fort Hold. He had always wanted a child, being holdbred, but she was utterly against it. When she grew heavy with pregnancy, it became the wedge that drove them apart. She kept it to appease him, but by the time she gave birth, Sienva was a very disgruntled woman who didn't want to deal with a wailing baby... and so shoved it off on the nearest milk mother she could find, transferring Weyrs only a few days later. T'ren ended up raising his son, naming him Toven and showing him the wonders of Pern.
The bluerider always hoped that his only seed would grow with the kindled urge to be a dragonrider like his parents, but that never happened. Even as a small child, Toven learned that if he didn't want people to dislike him, it meant that he should stay further away from them. And he knew that if he was a dragonrider, he would constantly be involved in human interaction: his father was always off doing this and that with his wing, after all. Toven didn't want that life for himself, and so he kept away any desire he might have had for riding the majestic dragons.
That didn't mean that the son of dragonmen could stay away from all thing draconic, however. He was introduced to whers for the first time when he was twelve, when avoiding his father's regular insistence that she should start Standing. Toven ran down a few stairs, and wound up staring at an ugly blue creature, later identified as a wher. As detached from Weyrlife as he was, it wasn't a surprise that he had never seen one before- of course he had heard of them, but had never bothered to see them.
However, after going out of his way to seek out a wherpair, Toven decided that a life such as that would be much more suitable to a boy such as him. And, much to his father's disappointment, he set out to become a handler.
Of course, this didn't mean anything until at least ten turns later. At the age of twelve, he had no idea how to go about being a wherhandler. The only thing it accomplished at that young of an age was to encourage him to be a bit more social. He never did Stand, but Toven developed a friend or two, and he learned a little more about social propriety. Not that he abides by it, even today, but at least he learned.
At the age of twenty-two, Toven finally decided to get off of his lazy arse and do something about his dreams. He left Fort, traveling to different Holds and Weyrs in hopes of a Gold deeming him worthy of an egg. In most cases, however, there were no golds, or no clutches any time soon. It took three turns for him to find a Hold with a Gold wher, and when he made his desire to Impress a wher hatchling known, he was welcomed. And, a sevenday later, Toven walked away from the hatching grounds with a brown who declared his name as Tovsk.
He stayed at the Hold for a brief period- enough time to complete the wherling training, but he didn't put down roots enough to regret leaving shortly after he finished. People weren't so sad to see them go, either, not with his own sharp tongue. Toven and Tovsk moved around quite a bit, from Hold to Weyr and back again. They ended up going back to Fort eventually, where T'ren had the opportunity to see his son for the first time in Turns, living his dream. They even saw his mother once, although the visit wasn't long and it wasn't very heartfelt.
Eventually they halted their tour around the Northern Continent and took a ship down to the Southern Continent. Toven had reached thirty, and he was feeling the desire to finally settle down. It seemed perfect, as there, he met a green wherhandler by the name of Isya, and her green Isysk. When Isysk Ran, Tovsk ended up Catching her, and the two were inseparable after that. Forced together by their whers, Toven and Isya became fond of one another, as well. And under her sharp watch, he learned how to curb his tongue.
And then the next Pass began.
It was interesting, the dynamic between dragons and whers in this Pass. It was expected, but still... whers were usually looked down upon, but during this Pass, they had a purpose. They protected Holds and Whers at night, and were a part of something bigger. One night, a few turns into the Pass, Isysk was badly scored, and Isya almost lost the use of her left arm from Threadscore. It worried Toven and his brown enough to suggest a move to the newly-established southern Weyr: Silver Cove.
Not three sevendays after they moved there did people start falling ill. Isysk and Isya were still not fully well, and the deathly illness that was striking others down worried Toven to an extreme. He tried to continue servicing his Weyr, as well as his weyrmate, but in the end she fell ill. It didn't take long before Isya was gone, and Isysk, her wounds already serious, killed her when she no longer had her rider. It devastated handler and wher, and as they recovered from their emotional wounds, they withdrew further and further into their selves.
When Cerulean was established and the majority of surviving Silver Cove folk transferred, so did Toven and Tovsk, in an utter daze. They reported to their shifts, and readied their weyr, but the two were mostly shells. Now, almost a full turn after the deaths, they're still not fully healed. Sure, Toven's regained most of his former personality, and he's talking to people again... which, quite honestly, is a large improvement from pre-Isya at all. But he still has some scars.
Fun Facts:
Bonded Critter(s):
Type: Wher
Name: Tovsk
Color: Brown
Age: 13
Description: A deep, klah-brown color that's actually pleasing to look on, Tovsk's hide isn't ugly or unpleasant to gaze at. It darkens to a near-black in coloring around his head and the base of his wings, and by the tip of his stubby tail it has reached a dark tan. However, his coloring is pretty much the only physically pleasing thing about Tovsk. Like all whers, his head is misshapen and oddly angular, with large headknobs and a thick neck. He has a slim body, with muscles oddly bunching at his joints. The brown has short limbs and tail, making him a small form against the night.
Personality: Generally easy-going, Tovsk is much more pleasant than his handler. He tends to enjoy companionship, especially of the human sort, despite Toven trying to keep him from wandering off to find a friend or two. Especially, he likes the company of the younger folk: children to young adults, who aren't so caught up with everything else and won't mind talking to him and playing with him. He quite enjoys going to play with the children in the creche, in fact.
Tovsk also holds great compassion, especially considering his being a non-human, and when you take into account his handler... he's a prodigy. Especially since coming to Cerulean, he has developed great care towards those he is near, and has become very devoted to the ones that he likes. And it is very rare that he doesn't like someone. Very rare, indeed.
Fun Facts:
Craft: He picked up some healing in his travels.
Level of Proficiency: very little. Enough to clean out Threadscore.
Specialty: whers, and flitters.
Weakness: runners.
Name: Kaemi
Are you 17+?: nopee
Contact Information:
AIM: brighttlightt
Past RP Experience: see L'mar
Name: Toven
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Occupation: Wherhandler, Wherling Master? Could be fun. xD
Description: Toven stands at 6'0”, his body lightly muscled, but mainly slender and trim. His has wide, callused hands and flat palms. His skin tone is a lighter tan, from inconsistent sun exposure: some days spending hours outside, whether laboring or otherwise; other days, sleeping Rukbat down in the sky until he can leave his weyr with Tovsk. Physically, in no way does he make an imposing figure. However, he still tends to draw attention upon entering a room.
It probably has something to do with his interesting mixture of brown and blonde hair, mixing in his careless curls. Most likely, it involves his boxy-face, with his jagged jawline and awkwardly-long nose. Maybe concerning his tall forehead. And it has everything to do with all of this coming together to make Toven Toven... because maybe, separately, those features would make a face unattractive. On him, however, it makes him anything but.
While he's not gorgeous by many people's standards, Toven is far from ugly. Added to the myriad of features, mentioned previously, that make up his face, the wherhandler has blue-grey eyes that range to a light green in the center, depending on his clothes. With that, he's suitably handsome, and has been known to make some girls swoon. He has yet to wrinkle, and probably won't for a few turns, so Toven's fairly pleased with his looks.
Toven generally matches his clothing with his average attitude: light to dark earthy colors, particularly chosen for comfort level. Few people have seen in anything fancier than your standard tunic, plain trousers, and wherhide boots, and few ever will. No matter what the occasion, whether it be a Gather or a Joining (not that he's been invited to many Joinings...) he rarely delves into his more proper wear.
Personality: Interesting, spontaneous, sporadic. All good terms... but not to describe Toven. He is, in fact, quite the opposite. A very stable person, he tends to be more firm and decisive more often than sporadic. He enjoys knowing where he's at, and where he's going- therefore not much of a spontaneous personality. And, while not dull, Tov tends to be upfront about things and not hold much back that isn't extremely personal, which keeps him from being all too interesting.
Many people see it as a personality fault that Toven speaks his mind. Some see him as rude and uncouth, but truly, he doesn't often have enough respect for the general population to both to leash his tongue. Instead, he'll tell you what's what, and probably expect a 'thank you' afterwords. Even after you have gained his respect, he'll continue to be brutally honest with you... he'll just attempt to be a bit more polite in doing it. There are no exceptions to this rule, to the point that if he think a Weyrleader is being absurd, he'll tell them as much.
What? I never said he was bright.
To those he respects or even, imagine that, likes, Toven can generally be quite kind. Not when it comes to speech, but he'll make considerable effort to be pleasant. It's a rare day, indeed, when he lies to spare someone's feelings, but they do come around, particularly when one of his friends is upset. That's another thing- friends. He doesn't have many. The whole 'tell the truth and nothing but the truth no matter your feelings' tends to scare away potential friendlies.
Toven's not stupid. He's not the sharpest tool, but he's not stupid. He lacks common sense in certain situations (involving the whole shutting his mouth thing) but he has more than a modicum of intelligence. Quick thinking in difficult situations, and good at switching his mindset to different ways of thinking, he's actually a half-decent teacher if everyone else will shut their mouths.
History: T'ren was a bluerider, weyrmated to greenrider Sienva at Fort Hold. He had always wanted a child, being holdbred, but she was utterly against it. When she grew heavy with pregnancy, it became the wedge that drove them apart. She kept it to appease him, but by the time she gave birth, Sienva was a very disgruntled woman who didn't want to deal with a wailing baby... and so shoved it off on the nearest milk mother she could find, transferring Weyrs only a few days later. T'ren ended up raising his son, naming him Toven and showing him the wonders of Pern.
The bluerider always hoped that his only seed would grow with the kindled urge to be a dragonrider like his parents, but that never happened. Even as a small child, Toven learned that if he didn't want people to dislike him, it meant that he should stay further away from them. And he knew that if he was a dragonrider, he would constantly be involved in human interaction: his father was always off doing this and that with his wing, after all. Toven didn't want that life for himself, and so he kept away any desire he might have had for riding the majestic dragons.
That didn't mean that the son of dragonmen could stay away from all thing draconic, however. He was introduced to whers for the first time when he was twelve, when avoiding his father's regular insistence that she should start Standing. Toven ran down a few stairs, and wound up staring at an ugly blue creature, later identified as a wher. As detached from Weyrlife as he was, it wasn't a surprise that he had never seen one before- of course he had heard of them, but had never bothered to see them.
However, after going out of his way to seek out a wherpair, Toven decided that a life such as that would be much more suitable to a boy such as him. And, much to his father's disappointment, he set out to become a handler.
Of course, this didn't mean anything until at least ten turns later. At the age of twelve, he had no idea how to go about being a wherhandler. The only thing it accomplished at that young of an age was to encourage him to be a bit more social. He never did Stand, but Toven developed a friend or two, and he learned a little more about social propriety. Not that he abides by it, even today, but at least he learned.
At the age of twenty-two, Toven finally decided to get off of his lazy arse and do something about his dreams. He left Fort, traveling to different Holds and Weyrs in hopes of a Gold deeming him worthy of an egg. In most cases, however, there were no golds, or no clutches any time soon. It took three turns for him to find a Hold with a Gold wher, and when he made his desire to Impress a wher hatchling known, he was welcomed. And, a sevenday later, Toven walked away from the hatching grounds with a brown who declared his name as Tovsk.
He stayed at the Hold for a brief period- enough time to complete the wherling training, but he didn't put down roots enough to regret leaving shortly after he finished. People weren't so sad to see them go, either, not with his own sharp tongue. Toven and Tovsk moved around quite a bit, from Hold to Weyr and back again. They ended up going back to Fort eventually, where T'ren had the opportunity to see his son for the first time in Turns, living his dream. They even saw his mother once, although the visit wasn't long and it wasn't very heartfelt.
Eventually they halted their tour around the Northern Continent and took a ship down to the Southern Continent. Toven had reached thirty, and he was feeling the desire to finally settle down. It seemed perfect, as there, he met a green wherhandler by the name of Isya, and her green Isysk. When Isysk Ran, Tovsk ended up Catching her, and the two were inseparable after that. Forced together by their whers, Toven and Isya became fond of one another, as well. And under her sharp watch, he learned how to curb his tongue.
And then the next Pass began.
It was interesting, the dynamic between dragons and whers in this Pass. It was expected, but still... whers were usually looked down upon, but during this Pass, they had a purpose. They protected Holds and Whers at night, and were a part of something bigger. One night, a few turns into the Pass, Isysk was badly scored, and Isya almost lost the use of her left arm from Threadscore. It worried Toven and his brown enough to suggest a move to the newly-established southern Weyr: Silver Cove.
Not three sevendays after they moved there did people start falling ill. Isysk and Isya were still not fully well, and the deathly illness that was striking others down worried Toven to an extreme. He tried to continue servicing his Weyr, as well as his weyrmate, but in the end she fell ill. It didn't take long before Isya was gone, and Isysk, her wounds already serious, killed her when she no longer had her rider. It devastated handler and wher, and as they recovered from their emotional wounds, they withdrew further and further into their selves.
When Cerulean was established and the majority of surviving Silver Cove folk transferred, so did Toven and Tovsk, in an utter daze. They reported to their shifts, and readied their weyr, but the two were mostly shells. Now, almost a full turn after the deaths, they're still not fully healed. Sure, Toven's regained most of his former personality, and he's talking to people again... which, quite honestly, is a large improvement from pre-Isya at all. But he still has some scars.
Fun Facts:
- Toven hates the color yellow and refuses to wear it.
- He makes the distinction between yellow and gold. Weirdo.
- Mentions to his mother make him defensive. He has a kind of sore spot for her.
- He refuses to speak of the illness that took Isya, and therefore refrains from mentioning being a citizen at Silver Cove at all. This could cause awkward situations if he meets someone who knew him there...
- Don't mess with Tovsk. Just don't.
Bonded Critter(s):
Type: Wher
Name: Tovsk
Color: Brown
Age: 13
Description: A deep, klah-brown color that's actually pleasing to look on, Tovsk's hide isn't ugly or unpleasant to gaze at. It darkens to a near-black in coloring around his head and the base of his wings, and by the tip of his stubby tail it has reached a dark tan. However, his coloring is pretty much the only physically pleasing thing about Tovsk. Like all whers, his head is misshapen and oddly angular, with large headknobs and a thick neck. He has a slim body, with muscles oddly bunching at his joints. The brown has short limbs and tail, making him a small form against the night.
Personality: Generally easy-going, Tovsk is much more pleasant than his handler. He tends to enjoy companionship, especially of the human sort, despite Toven trying to keep him from wandering off to find a friend or two. Especially, he likes the company of the younger folk: children to young adults, who aren't so caught up with everything else and won't mind talking to him and playing with him. He quite enjoys going to play with the children in the creche, in fact.
Tovsk also holds great compassion, especially considering his being a non-human, and when you take into account his handler... he's a prodigy. Especially since coming to Cerulean, he has developed great care towards those he is near, and has become very devoted to the ones that he likes. And it is very rare that he doesn't like someone. Very rare, indeed.
Fun Facts:
- Thankfully, no one brings up Isysk very often. He'd get nasty.
- It will be a fine day, indeed, when he Runs in chase again.
Craft: He picked up some healing in his travels.
Level of Proficiency: very little. Enough to clean out Threadscore.
Specialty: whers, and flitters.
Weakness: runners.